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How much can you put in a 5 pound bag?Views: 219
Apr 20, 2007 1:12 pm re: Regarding xG, absolutely false
Tom Foale Marc

Actually, the commercial ability of xG Technology to fulfill its rollout is completely unproven. As we've had a private discussion on this you know my views. However, many companies that have traded at huge valuations without significant revenues have subsequently been shown to be wearing the emperor's clothes. There's a lot of execution to be done between a significant valuation based on promise and significant revenues that requires top-notch strategy and management - regardless of how good the technology is.

High valuation without revenues usually represents the triumph of hope (or hype) over experience. NGW is now private so their shareholder may be happy with this strategy, but our shareholders would be very unhappy if we followed a strategy that failed because of someone else's undeliverable technology or poor execution. XG's decision to shroud its technology in secrecy means that we could not inform our future investors of what we were basing that strategy on - so why should they invest in us? That XG decision, plus the dodgy NDA clause I showed you, does not look like a company executing effectively to me and my fellow directors.


Private Reply to Tom Foale (new win)

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